Sunday, September 9, 2012


I'm not very into poetry, or a very good poet for that matter. But this just kind of wrote itself: 

Someday, when you're on the ground,
Someday, you'll look around 
I just wont be there.

Someday, when she's long gone,
Someday, when you're all alone,
I just wont care.

Someday was a promise you made.
Someday, yet you still caved
To demands that weren’t fair.

Someday. You knew what it meant.
Someday, we’d begin our ascent
To fulfill a mission so rare.

Someday. Now it cant be undone.
Someday. The other side won.
Someday. Blown up in mid-air.

Someday, I’ll get back on the path.
Someday I’ll finish my half
Of the mission we shared.

Someday, before I’m too old,
Someday, I’ll be treated like gold.
But you wont be there.

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